Better Communication = Better Recycling
As the recycling industry continues to grow throughout the United States and the world, so does the confusion of what can be recycled and what cannot. For those who understand the value of recycling, there is a guilt associated with possibly contaminating an entire load of otherwise recyclable items because of something being placed in there that is not.
Plastics are a material that has so much value and recyclable capabilities and is vital to the recycling movement. Many companies have moved their packaging to plastic because of it’s inexpensive cost and high durability. But there is still a lot of confusion within the consumer recycling community as to what can be recycled and what cannot.
The website was created by industry professionals, businesses and community input with the sole purpose of taking the guess work out of recycling plastic products. They reached out to retailers, packaging designers, and recycling professionals with one specific goal; to come up with a common set of terms for recycling plastics.
Instead of using industry words like #1 or #7, they have compiled a list using terms that everyone can easily understand. The website also features tools for businesses, schools and homes that can be customized, printed and displayed so that the message is easily accessible and understandable. There is even a section for introducing recycling to children in a way that they can relate and feel part of the movement.
If you have an interest in growing your recycling knowledge or can help your office recycle successfully, we encourage you to jump on and have a look around. There is a short, fun video about how the website came to be, how they obtained their information and how they are spreading the word. It is definitely worth checking out.
Because better communication = better recycling!